Friday, March 11, 2016

48 hours until it BEGINS

Four friends gathered around a booth in Thorne five long months ago with the hopes of stepping foot in the low-flowing Escalante River. And tomorrow, we are 48 hours closer to that dream becoming a reality...

We've packed our packs full to the brim--weighed down by Dan's masterful dehydrated & vacuum sealed food (shout out to Matt Goroff for passing down his wise knowledge of shrinking food). We've packed out tents (and hammocks, because who doesn't want to sleep under the stars?) We've packed a few books because hey, we're academic kids (shout out to Drew who packed two entire books versus my one book). We've packed exactly 70 tortillas--this is going to affect my digestive track (Kim did the tortilla math...and that's really how many we are going to eat)

Tonight we switched our allegiance and gathered around a table at Moulton (granted, Thorne was closed)...and we selected our roles for the upcoming two-week adventure:

Kim: the sneakiest prankster among us
Dan: the comedian with the biggest pack in the 'cac
Drew: the sensitive one who loves to read a lot
Audrey: the smart one who is really more sensitive than Drew

After 48 hours of tight-quarters in Drew's car where hopefully no one farts (*that much*) we will then begin our eight days in the back country hiking along the Escalante River (that really isn't a river). We'll be free from pesky telemarketers begging us to upgrade our refrigerators, getting text notifications from group chats, and never have to hear an annoying alarm clock--instead "we will fight the trail with karate" (quote Dan).